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Gotsis Construction GmbH
Industriestraße 21
52457 Aldenhoven


Representation by the General Manager

Mr Andreas Gkotsis



Telephone: +49 (0)24 64 - 4 03 95 13
Email: info@gotsis-construction.de


Registry (Public) Information

Company registered on the Düren commercial register

Registration No: HRB 9028

VAT Tax ID Number

VAT Tax ID Number in accordance with article 27 (a) in the Law on VAT: DE331118900

Chamber: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Aachen Germany

Berufshaftpflicht: Professional responsibility: Area of activity Germany


We are not willing or obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration panel.


Responsibility for the content

In accordance with article 7 paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), the person responsible as a service provider is responsible for its content on these pages in accordance with general law. Moreover, in accordance with articles 8 to 10 of the TMG, the person responsible is not required to monitor the transmitted or stored information of third parties or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. The obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with the general law are not affected by this Law. However, the relevant liability may only exist from the moment that a specific violation of the law becomes known. As soon as it is perceived that there are corresponding legal violations, this content will be immediately removed by the person responsible person.


Responsibility for links

Where the DPO’s offer contains links to external third-party websites, the DPO has no influence over their content. Accordingly, the DPO cannot assume any responsibility for this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the linked pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for potential legal violations at the time of linking. No illegal content was found at the time of linking.

However, the continuous monitoring of the content in the linked pages is not reasonable without specific indications of a violation of the law. Upon becoming aware of legal violations, the DPO shall immediately remove these links.


Intellectual property rights

The content and the works created by the website administrators on these pages are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, processing, distribution and all manner of exploitation outside the limits of intellectual property shall require the written consent of the respective creator or publisher. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private and non-commercial use.

The intellectual copyright of third parties is respected since the content on this page was not created by the operator. Third party content is in particular designated as such. However, in the event where you become aware of a copyright infringement, you will be required to accordingly inform the DPO. Upon becoming aware of the rights violations, the responsible party shall immediately remove such content.


Copyright © 2022 - 2025 Gotsis Construction Company, Patras Optical Fibre Installation